
Pottery juglet

 Pottery juglet, Amorite, about 2400–2000 B.C.E., from the Middle Euphrates region, Syria. The Amorites were indigenous people of central inland and northern Syria. During the Early Bronze Age (3200–2000 B.C.E.), powerful states like Aleppo, Ebla, Carchemish were developed by them. Their art was influenced by Mesopotamia.  Picture: The Trustees of the British Museum

The famine stela

 The Famine Stela is an inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs located on Sehel Island in the Nile near Aswan in Egypt, which tells of a seven-year period of drought and famine during the reign of Pharaoh.


Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Rajasthan lies one of India's most magnificent and historic landmarks - Amber Fort. This sprawling complex, built in the 16th century, is a testament to the grandeur and opulence of the Rajput era, and is considered one of the finest examples of Rajasthani architecture. From the imposing walls and majestic gates to the intricately carved halls and stunning courtyards, every inch of Amber Fort is a testament to the creativity and skill of the artisans and craftsmen who built it

Cave di cusa

Cave di Cusa was an ancient stone quarry in Sicily, that was the source of stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte. This site was quarried beginning in the 6th century BC until it was abandoned in 409 BC when the city was captured by the Carthaginians

Egypt - Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesPress release

March 19, 2023 - Revealing the full zodiac for the first time on the Esna temple roof A team from the Supreme Council of Archeology Restorers has succeeded for the first time in discovering a view of the zodiac on the roof of the southern pillared hall of the Esna Temple, as well as views of gods and animals appearing for the first time, during the project of recording, documenting, restoring and displaying its original colors performed by the Egyptian Archaeological Mission Joint German Egyptian Archeology Center and Topengen University. Suffice it to say Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Archaeology, pointed out that these views were not present in the temple's only previous scientific publication by French Egyptian scientist Serge Sonron, which adds new importance to the temple and its unique sculpture. And added Dr. Mustafa Waziri said that this discovery will greatly help to increase the flow of visitors from Eg

श्री काशीविश्वनाथ देवस्थान, ढोरजा

  अहमदनगर जिल्ह्यातील श्रीगोंदा तालुक्यात श्रीगोंदा शहरापासून १८ किलोमीटरवर ढोरजा हे छोटसं गाव वसले आहे. गावापासून काही अंतरावर निसर्गाच्या सानिध्यात काशीविश्वनाथ देवस्थान असून देव व भक्ताचा अनोखा मिलाप या ठिकाणी आपणास पहावयास मिळतो. काशिनाथ हे भक्ताचे व विश्वनाथ हे देवाचे अशी ही मंदिरे ओळखली जात असली तरी दोन्ही मंदिरे महादेवाचीच आहेत. मंदिराविषयी आख्यायिका सांगितली जाते ती अशी की, ढोरजा गावाजवळ असणाऱ्या शिरुडी गावातील एक भक्त काशी विश्वनाथाची मनोभावे सेवा करीत असे. पुढे वृद्धत्वामुळे सेवा करणे कठीण होऊ लागले तेव्हा भक्ताने देवाला माझ्या गावी चलावे अशी विनंती केली. देवाने भक्ताची ही विनंती मान्य केली परंतु सोबत येत असताना तू ज्या ठिकाणी मागे वळून पाहशील मी त्याच ठिकाणी कायमचे वास्तव्य करेल अशी अट घातली. भक्ताने ही अट मान्य केली. ढोरजा गावात आल्यानंतर भक्ताने नकळत मागे वळून पाहिले तेव्हा देव याच ठिकाणी कायमचे वास्तव्यास राहिले. विश्वनाथाचे मंदिर पश्चिमाभिमुख असून यादवकालीन आहे. मंदिराच्या मुखमंडपाजवळ दोन्ही बाजूला भिंतीत काही वीरगळ व शिल्पं बांधलेले दिसतात. समोर काही अंतरावर काशिनाथाचे

Adana Turkıye

 Anavarza Ancient City    Anavarza Ancient City is located in Dilekkaya Village, 28 km south of Kozan district center. In the 1st century BC, the Romans left the administration of this region to Tarkondimotos, whom they appointed as the Vassal king. After the ancient city came under the rule of the Romans in 17 BC, it grew and developed and became one of the most important metropolises of Anatolia. The columned street of the ancient city, bath, church ruins, theatre, amphitheatre, stadium, waterways and rock tombs, necropolis and ancient road to the west of the city, a pool mosaic belonging to the sea goddess Thetis, a triumphal arch with 3 entrances and a hill rising like an island in the middle of the plain. Medieval castle on it are important works of art. The castle, which is located on the Anavarza mountain and consists of several complexes, is the acropolis of the city, built on the plain at the foot of the mountain and surrounding it. Physician Dioscurides, who is the author of