Melted stairs in the Temple of Hathor.

Melted stairs in the Temple of Hathor.
The stairs to the Temple of Hathor are a complete mystery to archeology. Built in pure granite, they are completely melted.
The splendid complex built in honor of the goddess Hathor, one of the most prominent deities in Ancient Egypt. However, the most controversial was the molten ladder to the Temple of Hathor.
The complex measures about 400 square meters.
The complex is made up of several large and small rooms, a warehouse, a laboratory, shrines and numerous representations of Cleopatra VI.
On the west side of the temple, there is a ladder leading to the roof. Its decoration consists of beautiful images of the pharaoh, the goddess and the priests.
The steps of the ladder in the temple of Hathor were completely melted. Something that science has not been able to explain in any way, as they are built in solid granite.
Extremely high temperatures are required to melt solid granite stone.
When the steps of the ladder of the Temple of Hathor are examined in detail, it becomes clear that it cannot have been erosion or continuous steps that caused their deterioration.
According to some theorists, this is a clear sign that there was nuclear weapons or advanced technology in Ancient Egypt. Nuclear energy would be the only one capable of raising the ambient temperature so much.
Mysteries of Ancient Egyptian Civilization.


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